Transformative discoveries in genome and cellular integrity


Research papers, reports & reviews.


Latest Publications (2020 onwards)


Publications from 2019

  • Thompson DJ, Genovese G, Halvardson J, Ulirsch JC, Wright DJ, Terao C, Davidsson OB, Day FR, Sulem P, Jiang Y, ……Jackson SP, Stefansson K, Auton A, Ong KK, Machiela MJ, Loh PR, Dumanski JP, Chanock SJ, Forsberg LA, Perry JRB. Genetic predisposition to mosaic Y chromosome loss in blood. Nature 575(7784):652-657. Full text Europe PMC

  • Salguero I, Belotserkovskaya R, Coates J, Sczaniecka-Clift M, Demir M, Jhujh S, Wilson MD, Jackson SP. MDC1 PST-repeat region promotes histone H2AX-independent chromatin association and DNA damage tolerance. Nature Communications 10(1):5191. Full text Europe PMC

  • Cornwell MJ, Thomson GJ, Coates J, Belotserkovskaya R, Waddell ID, Jackson SP, Galanty Y. Small Molecule Inhibition of UBE2T/FANCL-mediated Ubiquitylation in the Fanconi Anemia Pathway. ACS Chemical Biology 14(10):2148-2154. Full text Europe PMC

  • Puddu F, Herzog M, Selivanova A, Wang S, Zhu J, Klein-Lavi S, Gordon M, Meirman R, Millan-Zambrano G, Ayestaran I, Salguero I, Sharan R, Li R, Kupiec M, Jackson SP. Genome architecture and stability in the Saccharomyces cerevisiae knockout collection. Nature 573(7774):416-420. Full text Europe PMC

  • Elling U, Woods M, Forment JV, Fu B, Yang F, Ng BL, Vicente JR, Adams DJ, Doe B, Jackson SP, Penninger JM, Balmus G. Derivation and maintenance of mouse haploid embryonic stem cells. Nature Protocols 14, 1991-2014. Full text Europe PMC

  • Kucab JE, Zou X, Morganella S, Joel M, Nanda AS, Nagy E, Gomez C, Degasperi A, Harris R, Jackson SP, Arlt VM, Phillips DH, Nik-Zainal S. A compendium of mutational signatures of environmental agents. Cell 177, 821-836.e16. Full text Europe PMC

  • Paonessa F, Evans LD, Solanki R, Larrieu D, Wray S, Hardy J, Jackson SP, Livesey FJ. Microtubules deform the nuclear membrane and disrupt nucleocytoplasmic transport in tau-mediated frontotemporal dementia. Cell Reports 26, 582-593. Full text Europe PMC

  • Balmus G, Pilger D, Coates J, Demir M, Sczaniecka-Clift M, Barros AC, Woods M, Fu B, Yang F, Chen E, Ostermaier M, Stankovic T, Ponstingl H, Herzog M, Yusa K, Munoz Martinez F, Durant ST, Galanty Y, Beli P, Adams DJ, Bradley A, Metzakopian E, Forment JV and Jackson SP. ATM orchestrates the DNA-damage response to counter toxic non-homologous end-joining at broken replication forks. Nature Communications 10, Article number: 87. Full text Europe PMC

  • Allen F, Crepaldi L, Alsinet C, Strong AJ, Kleshchevnikov V, De Angeli P, Páleníková P, Khodak A, Kiselev V, Kosicki M, Bassett AR, Harding H, Galanty Y, Muñoz-Martínez F, Metzakopian E, Jackson SP, Parts L. Predicting the mutations generated by repair of Cas9-induced double-strand breaks. Nature Biotechnology 37, 64-72. Full text Europe PMC


Publications from 2018

  • Nishi R, Wijnhoven PWG, Kimura Y, Matsui M, Konietzny R, Wu Q, Nakamura K, Blundell TL, Kessler BM. The deubiquitylating enzyme UCHL3 regulates Ku80 retention at sites of DNA damage. Sci Rep. 8(1):17891. Full text Europe PMC

  • Millan-Zambrano G, Santos-Rosa H, Puddu F, Robson SC, Jackson SP, Kouzarides T. Phosphorylation of Histone H4T80 Triggers DNA Damage Checkpoint Recovery. Mol Cell. 72(4):625-635.e4. Full text Europe PMC

  • Dev H, Chiang TW, Lescale C, de Krijger I, Martin AG, Pilger D, Coates J, Sczaniecka-Clift M, Wei W, Ostermaier M, Herzog M, Lam J, Shea A, Demir M, Wu Q, Yang F, Fu B, Lai Z, Balmus G, Belotserkovskaya R, Serra V, O'Connor MJ, Bruna A, Beli P, Pellegrini L, Caldas C, Deriano L, Jacobs JJL, Galanty Y, Jackson SP. Shieldin complex promotes DNA end-joining and counters homologous recombination in BRCA1-null cells. Nat Cell Biol. 20(8):954-965. Full text Europe PMC

  • Larrieu D, Viré E, Robson S, Breusegem SY, Kouzarides T, Jackson SP. Inhibition of the acetyltransferase NAT10 normalizes progeric and aging cells by rebalancing the Transportin-1 nuclear import pathway. Sci Signal. 11(537). Full text Europe PMC

  • Velimezi G, Robinson-Garcia L, Muñoz-Martínez F, Wiegant WW, Ferreira da Silva J, Owusu M, Moder M, Wiedner M, Rosenthal SB, Fisch KM, Moffat J, Menche J, van Attikum H, Jackson SP, Loizou JI. Map of synthetic rescue interactions for the Fanconi anemia DNA repair pathway identifies USP48. Nat Commun. 9(1):2280. Full text Europe PMC

  • Zou X, Owusu M, Harris R, Jackson SP, Loizou JI, Nik-Zainal S. Validating the concept of mutational signatures with isogenic cell models. Nat Commun. 9(1):1744. Full text Europe PMC

  • Balmus G, Larrieu D, Barros AC, Collins C, Abrudan M, Demir M, Geisler NJ, Lelliott CJ, White JK, Karp NA, Atkinson J, Kirton A, Jacobsen M, Clift D, Rodriguez R; Sanger Mouse Genetics Project, Adams DJ, Jackson SP. Targeting of NAT10 enhances healthspan in a mouse model of human accelerated aging syndrome. Nat Commun. 9(1):1700. Full text Europe PMC

  • Herzog M, Puddu F, Coates J, Geisler N, Forment JV, Jackson SP. Detection of functional protein domains by unbiased genome-wide forward genetic screening. Sci Rep. 8(1):6161. Full text Europe PMC

  • Harrigan JA, Jacq X, Martin NM, Jackson SP. Deubiquitylating enzymes and drug discovery: emerging opportunities. Nat Rev Drug Discov. 17(1):57-78. Full text


Publications from 2017

  • Moder M, Velimezi G, Owusu M, Mazouzi A, Wiedner M, Ferreira da Silva J, Robinson-Garcia L, Schischlik F, Slavkovsky R, Kralovics R, Schuster M, Bock C, Ideker T, Jackson SP, Menche J, Loizou JI. Parallel genome-wide screens identify synthetic viable interactions between the BLM helicase complex and Fanconi anemia. Nat Commun. 8(1):1238. Full text Europe PMC

  • Trigg BJ, Lauer KB, Fernandes Dos Santos P, Coleman H, Balmus G, Mansur DS, Ferguson BJ. The Non-Homologous End Joining Protein PAXX Acts to Restrict HSV-1 Infection. Viruses. 9(11). Full text Europe PMC

  • Asim M, Tarish F, Zecchini HI, Sanjiv K, Gelali E, Massie CE, Baridi A, Warren AY, Zhao W, Ogris C, McDuffus LA, Mascalchi P, Shaw G, Dev H, Wadhwa K, Wijnhoven P, Forment JV, Lyons SR, Lynch AG, O'Neill C, Zecchini VR, Rennie PS, Baniahmad A, Tavaré S, Mills IG, Galanty Y, Crosetto N, Schultz N, Neal D, Helleday T. Synthetic lethality between androgen receptor signalling and the PARP pathway in prostate cancer. Nat Commun. 8(1):374. Full text Europe PMC

  • Blackford AN, Jackson SP. ATM, ATR, and DNA-PK: The Trinity at the Heart of the DNA Damage Response. Mol Cell. 66(6):801-817. Full text

  • Henssen AG, Koche R, Zhuang J, Jiang E, Reed C, Eisenberg A, Still E, MacArthur IC, Rodríguez-Fos E, Gonzalez S, Puiggròs M, Blackford AN, Mason CE, de Stanchina E, Gönen M, Emde AK, Shah M, Arora K, Reeves C, Socci ND, Perlman E, Antonescu CR, Roberts CWM, Steen H, Mullen E, Jackson SP, Torrents D, Weng Z, Armstrong SA, Kentsis A. PGBD5 promotes site-specific oncogenic mutations in human tumors. Nat Genet. 49(7):1005-1014. Full text Europe PMC Erratum in: Nat Genet. 2017 Sep 27;49(10 ):1558.

  • Puddu F, Salguero I, Herzog M, Geisler NJ, Costanzo V, Jackson SP. Chromatin determinants impart camptothecin sensitivity. EMBO Rep. 18(6):1000-1012. Full text Europe PMC

  • Wright DJ, Day FR, Kerrison ND, Zink F, Cardona A, Sulem P, Thompson DJ, Sigurjonsdottir S, Gudbjartsson DF, Helgason A, Chapman JR, Jackson SP, Langenberg C, Wareham NJ, Scott RA, Thorsteindottir U, Ong KK, Stefansson K, Perry JRB. Genetic variants associated with mosaic Y chromosome loss highlight cell cycle genes and overlap with cancer susceptibility. Nat Genet. 49(5):674-679. Full text Europe PMC

  • Brown JS, O'Carrigan B, Jackson SP, Yap TA. Targeting DNA Repair in Cancer: Beyond PARP Inhibitors. Cancer Discov. 7(1):20-37. Full text Europe PMC

  • Bar DZ, Arlt MF, Brazier JF, Norris WE, Campbell SE, Chines P, Larrieu D, Jackson SP, Collins FS, Glover TW, Gordon LB. A novel somatic mutation achieves partial rescue in a child with Hutchinson-Gilford progeria syndrome. J Med Genet. 54(3):212-216. Full text Europe PMC

  • Forment JV, Herzog M, Coates J, Konopka T, Gapp BV, Nijman SM, Adams DJ, Keane TM, Jackson SP. Genome-wide genetic screening with chemically mutagenized haploid embryonic stem cells. Nat Chem Biol. 13(1):12-14. Full text Europe PMC


Publications from 2016

  • Xi W, Schmidt CK, Sanchez S, Gracias DH, Carazo-Salas RE, Butler R, Lawrence N, Jackson SP, Schmidt OG. Molecular Insights into Division of Single Human Cancer Cells in On-Chip Transparent Microtubes. ACS Nano. 2016 Jun 28;10(6):5835-46. Full text Europe PMC

  • Jackson SP, Helleday T. DNA REPAIR. Drugging DNA repair. Science. 2016 Jun 3;352(6290):1178-9. Full text

  • Chiang TW, le Sage C, Larrieu D, Demir M, Jackson SP. CRISPR-Cas9(D10A) nickase-based genotypic and phenotypic screening to enhance genome editing. Sci Rep. 2016 Apr 15;6:24356. Full text Europe PMC

  • Zimmer J, Tacconi EMC, Folio C, Badie S, Porru M, Klare K, Tumiati M, Markkanen E, Halder S, Ryan A, Jackson SP, Ramadan K, Kuznetsov SG, Biroccio A, Sale JE, Tarsounas M. Targeting BRCA1 and BRCA2 Deficiencies with G-Quadruplex-Interacting Compounds. Mol Cell. 2016 Feb 4;61(3):449-460. Full text Europe PMC

  • Harley ME, Murina O, Leitch A, Higgs MR, Bicknell LS, Yigit G, Blackford AN, Zlatanou A, Mackenzie KJ, Reddy K, Halachev M, McGlasson S, Reijns MAM, Fluteau A, Martin CA, Sabbioneda S, Elcioglu NH, Altmüller J, Thiele H, Greenhalgh L, Chessa L, Maghnie M, Salim M, Bober MB, Nürnberg P, Jackson SP, Hurles ME, Wollnik B, Stewart GS, Jackson AP. TRAIP promotes DNA damage response during genome replication and is mutated in primordial dwarfism. Nat Genet. 2016 Jan;48(1):36-43. Full text Europe PMC

  • Silva AP, Ryan DP, Galanty Y, Low JK, Vandevenne M, Jackson SP, Mackay JP. The N-terminal Region of Chromodomain Helicase DNA-binding Protein 4 (CHD4) Is Essential for Activity and Contains a High Mobility Group (HMG) Box-like-domain That Can Bind Poly(ADP-ribose). J Biol Chem. 2016 Jan 8;291(2):924-38. Full text Europe PMC

  • Balmus G, Barros AC, Wijnhoven PW, Lescale C, Hasse HL, Boroviak K, le Sage C, Doe B, Speak AO, Galli A, Jacobsen M, Deriano L, Adams DJ, Blackford AN, Jackson SP. Synthetic lethality between PAXX and XLF in mammalian development. Genes Dev. 2016 Oct 1;30(19):2152-2157. Full text Europe PMC

  • Chang HH, Watanabe G, Gerodimos CA, Ochi T, Blundell TL, Jackson SP, Lieber MR. Different DNA End Configurations Dictate Which NHEJ Components Are Most Important for Joining Efficiency. J Biol Chem. 2016 Nov 18;291(47):24377-24389. Full text Europe PMC

  • Chanut P, Britton S, Coates J, Jackson SP, Calsou P. Coordinated nuclease activities counteract Ku at single-ended DNA double-strand breaks. Nat Commun. 2016 Sep 19;7:12889. Erratum in: Nat Commun. 2017 Jun 13;8:15917. Full text Europe PMC

  • Lescale C, Lenden Hasse H, Blackford AN, Balmus G, Bianchi JJ, Yu W, Bacoccina L, Jarade A, Clouin C, Sivapalan R, Reina-San-Martin B, Jackson SP, Deriano L. Specific Roles of XRCC4 Paralogs PAXX and XLF during V(D)J Recombination. Cell Rep. 2016 Sep 13;16(11):2967-2979. Full text Europe PMC

  • Yu S, Evans K, van Eijk P, Bennett M, Webster RM, Leadbitter M, Teng Y, Waters R, Jackson SP, Reed SH. Global genome nucleotide excision repair is organized into domains that promote efficient DNA repair in chromatin. Genome Res. 2016 Oct;26(10):1376-1387. Full text Europe PMC

  • Cobb AM, Larrieu D, Warren DT, Liu Y, Srivastava S, Smith AJ, Bowater RP, Jackson SP, Shanahan CM. Prelamin A impairs 53BP1 nuclear entry by mislocalizing NUP153 and disrupting the Ran gradient. Aging Cell. 2016 Jul 27. Full text Europe PMC

  • Agarwal P, Jackson SP. G9a inhibition potentiates the anti-tumour activity of DNA double-strand break inducing agents by impairing DNA repair independent of p53 status. Cancer Lett. 2016 Oct 1;380(2):467-75. Full text Europe PMC


Publications from 2015

  • Gill SJ*, Travers J*, Pshenichnaya I, Kogera FA, Barthorpe S, Mironenko T, Richardson L, Benes CH, Stratton MR, McDermott U, Jackson SP^, Garnett MJ^. (2015) Combinations of PARP Inhibitors with Temozolomide Drive PARP1 Trapping and Apoptosis in Ewing's Sarcoma. PLoS One 10(10):e014098.8 Full text Europe PMC *These authors contributed equally to this work. ^Co-corresponding authors

  • Schmidt CK, Galanty Y^, Sczaniecka-Clift M, Coates J, Jhujh S, Demir M, Cornwell M, Beli P, Jackson SP^. (2015) Systematic E2 screening reveals a UBE2D-RNF138-CtIP axis promoting DNA repair. Nature Cell Biology 17, 1458-1470. Full text Europe PMC^Co-corresponding authors

  • Wijnhoven P, Konietzny R, Blackford AN, Travers J, Kessler BM, Nishi R, Jackson SP. (2015) USP4 auto-deubiquitylation promotes homologous recombination. Molecular Cell 60, 362-373. Full text Europe PMC

  • Yuan Y, Britton S, Delteil C, Coates J, Jackson SP, Barboule N, Frit P, Calsou P. (2015) Single-stranded DNA oligomers stimulate error-prone alternative repair of DNA double-strand breaks through hijacking Ku protein. Nucleic Acids Research 43, 10264-10276. Full text Europe PMC

  • Higgs MR, Reynolds JJ, Winczura A, Blackford AN, Borel V, Miller ES, Zlatanou A, Nieminuszczy J, Ryan EL, Davies NJ, Stankovic T, Boulton SJ, Niedzwiedz W and Stewart GS (2015) BOD1L is required to suppress deleterious resection of stressed replication forks. Molecular Cell 59, 462-477. Full text

  • Forment JV, Jackson SP, Pellegrini L. (2015) When two is not enough: a CtIP tetramer is required for DNA repair by Homologous Recombination. Nucleus 6, 344-348. Full text Europe PMC

  • Forment JV^ and Jackson SP (2015) A flow cytometry-based method to simplify the analysis and quantification of protein association to chromatin in mammalian cells. Nature Protocols 10, 1297-1307. Full text Europe PMC ^Corresponding author

  • Beli P and Jackson SP. (2015) Ubiquitin regulates dissociation of DNA repair factors from chromatin. Oncotarget 6, 14727-14728. Editorial Full text

  • Balmus G, Lim PX, Oswald A, Hume KR, Cassano A, Pierre J, Hill A, Huang W, August A, Stokol T, Southard T, Weiss RS. (2016) HUS1 regulates in vivo responses to genotoxic chemotherapies. Oncogene 35, 662-9. Full text

  • Brown JS, Lukashchuk N, Sczaniecka-Clift M, Britton S, le Sage C, Calsou P, Beli P, Galanty Y, Jackson SP. (2015) Neddylation Promotes Ubiquitylation and Release of Ku from DNA-Damage Sites. Cell Reports 11, 704-714. Full text Europe PMC

  • Puddu F*, Oelschlaegel T*, Guerini I, Geisler NJ, Niu H, Herzog M, Salguero I, Ochoa-Montaño B, Viré E, Sung P, Adams DJ, Keane TM and Jackson SP. (2015) Synthetic viability genomic screening defines Sae2 function in DNA repair. EMBO Journal 34, 1509-22. Full text Europe PMC *These authors contributed equally to this work.

  • Meir M, Galanty Y^, Kashani L, Blank M, Khosravi R, Fernández-Ávila MJ, Cruz-García A, Star A, Shochot L, Thomas Y, Garrett LJ, Chamovitz DA, Bodine DM, Kurz T, Huertas P, Ziv Y^, Shiloh Y^. (2015) The COP9 signalosome is vital for timely repair of DNA double-strand breaks. Nucleic Acids Research 43, 4517-4530. Full text Europe PMC ^Co-corresponding authors

  • Brown JS, Jackson SP. (2015) Ubiquitylation, neddylation and the DNA damage response. Open Biology 5(4), 150018. Full text Europe PMC

  • Blackford AN, Nieminuszczy J, Schwab RA, Galanty Y, Jackson SP^, Niedzwiedz W^. (2015) TopBP1 interacts with BLM to maintain genome stability but is dispensable for preventing BLM degradation. Molecular Cell 57, 1133-41. Full text Europe PMC ^Co-corresponding authors.

  • Broderick R, Nieminuszczy J, Blackford AN, Winczura A, Niedzwiedz W. (2015) TOPBP1 recruits TOP2A to ultra-fine anaphase bridges to aid in their resolution. Nature Communications 6, 6572. Full text

  • Ochi T*, Blackford AN*, Coates J, Jhujh S, Mehmood S, Tamura N, Travers J, Wu Q, Draviam VM, Robinson CV, Blundell TL^, Jackson SP^ (2015) PAXX, a paralog of XRCC4 and XLF, interacts with Ku to promote DNA double-strand break repair. Science 347, 185-188. Full text Europe PMC *These authors contributed equally to this work. ^Co-corresponding authors.

  • Balmus G, Karp NA, Ng BL, Jackson SP, Adams DJ, McIntyre RE. (2015) A high-throughput in vivo micronucleus assay for genome instability screening in mice. Nature Protocols 10, 205-215. Full text Europe PMC

  • Davies OR*, Forment JV*, Sun M, Belotserkovskaya R, Coates J, Galanty Y, Demir M, Morton CR, Rzechorzek NJ, Jackson SP^, Pellegrini L^. (2015) CtIP tetramer assembly is required for DNA-end resection and repair. Nature Structural and Molecular Biology 22, 150-157. Full text Europe PMC*These authors contributed equally to this work. ^Co-corresponding authors.


Publications from 2010-2014

  • Larrieu D, Rodriguez R, Britton S. (2014) Chemical inhibition of NAT10 corrects defects of laminopathic cells. Médecine Sciences 30(8-9), 745-747. Full text (in French)

  • Nishi R, Wijnhoven P, le Sage C, Tjeertes J, Galanty Y, Forment JV, Clague MJ, Urbé S, Jackson SP. (2014) Systematic characterization of deubiquitylating enzymes for roles in maintaining genome integrity. Nature Cell Biology 16, 1016-1026. Full text Europe PMC

  • Blasius M, Wagner SA, Choudhary C, Bartek J, Jackson SP. (2014) A quantitative 14-3-3 interaction screen connects the nuclear exosome targeting complex to the DNA damage response. Genes and Development 28, 1977-1982. Full text Europe PMC

  • Polato F, Callen E, Wong N, Faryabi R, Bunting S, Chen HT, Kozak M, Kruhlak MJ, Reczek CR, Lee WH, Ludwig T, Baer R, Feigenbaum L, Jackson S, Nussenzweig A. (2014) CtIP-mediated resection is essential for viability and can operate independently of BRCA1. Journal of Experimental Medicine 211, 1027-1036. Full text Europe PMC

  • Forment JV, Flipphi M, Ventura L, González R, Ramón D, Maccabe AP. (2014) High-affinity glucose transport in Aspergillus nidulans is mediated by the products of two related but differentially expressed genes. PLoS One 9, e94662. Full text Europe PMC

  • Belotserkovskaya R and Jackson SP. (2014) Keeping 53BP1 out of focus in mitosis. Cell Research 24, 781-782. Full text

  • Larrieu D, Britton S, Demir M, Rodriguez R, Jackson SP. (2014) Chemical inhibition of NAT10 corrects defects of laminopathic cells. Science 344, 527-532. Reprint Full text Europe PMC

  • Koch B, Sanchez S, Schmidt CK, Swiersy A, Jackson SP, Schmidt OG. (2014) Confinement and deformation of single cells and their nuclei inside size-adapted microtubes. Advanced Healthcare Materials 3, 1753-1758. Full text Europe PMC

  • Savage KI, Gorski JJ, Barros EM, Irwin GW, Manti L, Powell AJ, Pellagatti A, Lukashchuk N, McCance DJ, McCluggage WG, Schettino G, Salto-Tellez M, Boultwood J, Richard DJ, McDade SS, Harkin DP. (2014) Identification of a BRCA1-mRNA splicing complex required for efficient DNA repair and maintenance of genomic stability. Molecular Cell 54, 445-459. Full text Europe PMC

  • Knobel PA*, Belotserkovskaya R*, Galanty Y, Schmidt CK, Jackson SP^, Stracker TH^. (2014) USP28 is recruited to sites of DNA damage by the tandem BRCT domains of 53BP1 but plays a minor role in double-strand break metabolism. Molecular and Cellular Biology 34, 2062-2074. *These authors contributed equally to this work. ^Co-corresponding authors. Full text Europe PMC

  • Aymard F, Bugler B, Schmidt CK, Guillou E, Caron P, Briois S, Iacovoni JS, Daburon V, Miller KM, Jackson SP, Legube G. (2014) Transcriptionally active chromatin recruits homologous recombination at DNA double-strand breaks. Nature Structural and Molecular Biology 21, 366-374. Full text Europe PMC

  • Okayama S, Kopelovich L, Balmus G, Weiss RS, Herbert BS, Dannenberg AJ, Subbaramaiah K. (2014) p53 protein regulates Hsp90 ATPase activity and thereby Wnt signaling by modulating Aha1 expression. Journal of Biological Chemistry 289, 6513-25. Full text

  • Xi W, Schmidt CK*, Sanchez S*, Gracias DH, Carazo-Salas RE, Jackson SP, and Schmidt OG. (2014) Rolled-up functionalized nanomembranes as three-dimensional cavities for single cell studies. NANOLetters 14, 4197-4204. *Co-corresponding authors Full text Europe PMC

  • Balmus G, McIntyre RE. (2014) Genetic screens in mice for genome integrity maintenance and cancer predisposition. Current Opinion in Genetics and Development 24, 1-7. Full text

  • Jacq X, Kemp M, Martin NM, Jackson SP. (2013) Deubiquitylating Enzymes and DNA Damage Response Pathways. Cell Biochem Biophys. 67, 25-43. Full text Europe PMC

  • Britton S, Coates J, Jackson SP. (2013) A new method for high-resolution imaging of Ku foci to decipher mechanisms of DNA double-strand break repair. J. Cell Biol. 202, 579-595. Full text Europe PMC

  • Kaidi A, Jackson SP. (2013) KAT5 tyrosine phosphorylation couples chromatin sensing to ATM signalling. Nature 498, 70-74. This Article has been retracted; see accompanying Retraction

  • Schmidt CK, Jackson SP. (2013) On Your MARK, Get SET(D2), Go! H3K36me3 Primes DNA Mismatch Repair. Cell 153, 513-515. Full text

  • Chahwan R, Gravel S, Matsusaka T, Jackson SP. (2013) RNF8 links nucleosomal and cytoskeletal ubiquitylation of higher order protein structures. Cell Cycle 12, 1-5. Full text Europe PMC

  • Chahwan R, Gravel S, Matsusaka T, Jackson SP. (2013) Dma/RNF8 proteins are evolutionarily conserved E3 ubiquitin ligases that target septins. Cell Cycle 12, 1000-1008. Full text Europe PMC

  • Jackson SP, Durocher D. (2013) Regulation of DNA Damage Responses by Ubiquitin and SUMO. Mol. Cell 49, 795-807. Full text

  • Moumen A, Magill C, Dry KL, Jackson SP. (2013) ATM-dependent phosphorylation of heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein K promotes p53 transcriptional activation in response to DNA damage. Cell Cycle 12, 698-704. Full text Europe PMC

  • Muñoz-Galván S, López-Saavedra A, Jackson SP, Huertas P, Cortés-Ledesma F, Aguilera A. (2013) Competing roles of DNA end resection and non-homologous end joining functions in the repair of replication-born double-strand breaks by sister-chromatid recombination. Nucleic Acids Res. 41, 1669-1683. Full text Europe PMC

  • Chen WT, Alpert A, Leiter C, Gong F, Jackson SP, Miller KM. (2013) Systematic identification of functional residues in mammalian histone H2AX. Mol Cell Biol. 33, 111-126. Full text

  • McIntyre RE, Lakshminarasimhan Chavali P, Ismail O, Carragher DM, Sanchez-Andrade G, Forment JV, Fu B, Del Castillo Velasco-Herrera M, Edwards A, van der Weyden L, Yang F; Sanger Mouse Genetics Project, Ramirez-Solis R, Estabel J, Gallagher FA, Logan DW, Arends MJ, Tsang SH, Mahajan VB, Scudamore CL, White JK, Jackson SP, Gergely F, Adams DJ. (2012) Disruption of mouse Cenpj, a regulator of centriole biogenesis, phenocopies Seckel syndrome. PLoS Genet. 8(11):e1003022. Full text Europe PMC

  • Forment JV, Walker RV, Jackson SP. (2012) A high-throughput, flow cytometry-based method to quantify DNA-end resection in mammalian cells. Cytometry A 81A, 922-928. Full text Europe PMC

  • Forment JV, Kaidi A, Jackson SP. (2012) Chromothripsis and cancer: causes and consequences of chromosome shattering. Nature Reviews Cancer 12, 663-670. Full text

  • Chapman JR, Sossick AJ, Boulton SJ, Jackson SP. (2012) BRCA1-associated exclusion of 53BP1 from DNA damage sites underlies temporal control of DNA repair. J Cell Sci 125, 3529-3534. Full text UKPMC

  • Schiller CB, Lammens K, Guerini I, Coordes B, Feldmann H, Schlauderer F, Möckel C, Schele A, Strässer K, Jackson SP, Hopfner KP. (2012) Structure of Mre11-Nbs1 complex yields insights into ataxia-telangiectasia-like disease mutations and DNA damage signaling. Nat Struct Mol Biol. 19, 693-700. Full text

  • Falck J, Forment JV, Coates J, Mistrik M, Lukas J, Bartek J, Jackson SP. (2012) CDK targeting of NBS1 promotes DNA-end resection, replication restart and homologous recombination. EMBO Reports 13, 561-568. Full text Europe PMC

  • Galanty Y, Belotserkovskaya R, Coates J, Jackson SP. (2012) RNF4, a SUMO-targeted ubiquitin E3 ligase, promotes DNA double-strand break repair. Genes Dev. 26, 1179-1195. Full text UKPMC

  • Beli P, Lukashchuk N, Wagner SA, Weinert BT, Olsen JV, Baskcomb L, Mann M, Jackson SP, Choudhary C. (2012) Proteomic investigations reveal a role for RNA processing factor THRAP3 in the DNA damage response. Mol Cell. 46, 212-225. Full text UKPMC

  • Miller KM, Jackson SP (2012) Histone marks: repairing DNA breaks within the context of chromatin. Biochem Soc Trans. 40, 370-376. Full text

  • Rodriguez R, Miller KM, Forment JV, Bradshaw CR, Nikan M, Britton S, Oelschlaegel T, Xhemalce B, Balasubramanian S^, Jackson SP^ (2012) Small-molecule-induced DNA damage identifies alternative DNA structures in human genes. Nat Chem Biol. 8, 301-310. Full text UKPMC ^Co-corresponding authors

  • Polo SE, Blackford AN, Chapman JR, Baskcomb L, Gravel S, Rusch A, Thomas A, Blundred R, Smith P, Kzhyshkowska J, Dobner T, Taylor AMR, Turnell AS, Stewart GS, Grand RJ, Jackson SP (2012) Regulation of DNA-End Resection by hnRNPU-like proteins promotes DNA double-strand break signaling and repair. Mol Cell 45, 505-516. Full text UKPMC

  • Miller KM, Rodriguez R (2011) G-quadruplexes: selective DNA targeting for cancer therapeutics? Expert Rev Clin Pharmacol. 4, 139-142. Editorial No abstract available. Full text

  • Qvist P, Huertas P, Jimeno S, Nyegaard M, Hassan MJ, Jackson SP, Børglum AD (2011) CtIP mutations cause Seckel and Jawad syndromes. PLoS Genetics 7(10): e1002310. Full text UKPMC

  • Forment JV, Blasius M, Guerini I, Jackson SP (2011) Structure-Specific DNA Endonuclease Mus81/Eme1 Generates DNA Damage Caused by Chk1 Inactivation. PLoS ONE 6(8): e23517. Full text UKPMC

  • Flott S, Kwon Y, Pigli YZ, Rice PA, Sung P, and Jackson SP. (2011) Regulation of Rad51 function by phosphorylation. EMBO Rep. 12, 833-839. Full text UKPMC

  • Giunta S and Jackson SP. (2011) Give me a break, but not in mitosis: The mitotic DNA damage response marks DNA double strand breaks with early signaling events. Cell Cycle 10, 1-7. Full text UKPMC

  • Harrigan JA, Belotserkovskaya R, Coates J, Dimitrova DS, Polo SE, Bradshaw CR, Fraser P, and Jackson SP. (2011) Replication stress induces 53BP1-containing OPT domains in G1 cells. J. Cell Biol.193, 97-108. Full text UKPMC

  • Polo SE and Jackson SP. (2011) Dynamics of DNA damage response proteins at DNA breaks: a focus on protein modifications. Genes Dev. 25, 409-433. Full text UKPMC

  • Blasius M, Forment JV, Thakkar N, Wagner SA, Choudhary C, Jackson SP. (2011) A phospho-proteomic screen identifies substrates of the checkpoint kinase Chk1. Genome Biol. 12(8):R78. Full text UKPMC

  • Polo SE, Kaidi A, Baskcomb L, Galanty Y, Jackson SP. (2010) Regulation of DNA-damage responses and cell-cycle progression by the chromatin remodelling factor CHD4. EMBO J. 29, 3130-3139. Full text UKPMC

  • Kaidi A, Weinert BT, Choudhary C, Jackson SP. (2010) Human SIRT6 promotes DNA end resection through CtIP deacetylation. Science 329, 1348-1353. This Article has been retracted; see accompanying Retraction

  • Miller KM, Tjeertes JV, Coates J, Legube G, Polo SE, Britton S, Jackson SP. (2010) Human HDAC1 and HDAC2 function in the DNA-damage response to promote DNA nonhomologous end-joining. Nat Struct Mol Biol. 17, 1144-1151. Full text UKPMC

  • Giunta S, Belotserkovskaya R, Jackson SP. (2010) DNA damage signaling in response to double-strand breaks during mitosis. J Cell Biol. 190, 197-207. Full text UKPMC

  • Hajkova P, Jeffries SJ, Lee C, Miller N, Jackson SP, Surani MA. (2010) Genome-wide reprogramming in the mouse germ line entails the base excision repair pathway. Science 329, 78-82. Full text

  • Miller KM. (2010) Advances in understanding genome maintenance. Genome Biology 11, 301. Full text

  • Huertas P. (2010) DNA resection in eukaryotes: deciding how to fix the break. Nat Struct Mol Biol. 17, 11-16. Full text UKPMC


Publications from 2005-2009

  • Galanty Y, Belotserkovskaya R, Coates J, Polo S, Miller KM, Jackson SP. (2009) Mammalian SUMO E3-ligases PIAS1 and PIAS4 promote responses to DNA double-strand breaks. Nature 462, 935-9. Full text UKPMC

  • Jackson SP and Bartek J. (2009) The DNA damage response in human biology and disease. Nature 461, 1071-1078. Full text UKPMC

  • Morris JR, Boutell C, Keppler M, Densham R, Weekes D, Alamshah A, Butler L, Galanty Y, Pangon L, Kiuchi T, Ng T, Solomon E. (2009) The SUMO modification pathway is involved in the BRCA1 response to genotoxic stress. Nature 462, 886-90. Full text

  • Townsend K, Dyson H, Blackford AN, Miller ES, Chapman JR, Sedgwick GG, Barone G, Turnell AS, Stewart GS. (2009) Mediator of DNA damage checkpoint 1 (MDC1) regulates mitotic progression. J Biol Chem. 284, 33939-48. Full text UKPMC

  • Lloyd J*, Chapman JR*, Clapperton JA, Haire LF, Hartsuiker E, Li J, Carr AM, Jackson SP^, Smerdon SJ^. (2009) A supramodular FHA/BRCT-repeat architecture mediates Nbs1 adaptor function in response to DNA damage. Cell 139, 100-11. *These authors contributed equally to this work. ^Co-corresponding authors. Full text UKPMC

  • Ahel D, Horejsi Z*, Wiechens N*, Polo SE*, Garcia-Wilson E, Ahel I, Flynn H, Skehel M, West SC, Jackson SP, Owen-Hughes T, Boulton SJ. (2009) Poly(ADP-ribose)-Dependent Regulation of DNA Repair by the Chromatin Remodeling Enzyme ALC1. Science 325, 1240-3. *These authors contributed equally to this work. Full text

  • Tjeertes JV*, Miller KM*, Jackson SP. (2009) Screen for DNA-damage-responsive histone modifications identifies H3K9Ac and H3K56Ac in human cells. EMBO J. 28, 1878-1889. *These authors contributed equally to this work. Full text UKPMC

  • Jackson SP. (2009) The DNA-damage response: new molecular insights and new approaches to cancer therapy. Biochem Soc Trans. 37(Pt 3):483-94. Full text UKPMC

  • Huertas P, Jackson SP. (2009) Human CtIP mediates cell-cycle control of DNA-end resection and double-strand-break repair. J Biol Chem. 284:9558-9565. Full text UKPMC

  • Sollier J, Driscoll R, Castellucci F, Foiani M, Jackson SP, Branzei D. (2009) The S. cerevisiae Esc2 and Smc5-6 Proteins Promote Sister Chromatid Junction Mediated Intra-S Repair. Mol Biol Cell 20, 1671-82. Full text UKPMC

  • Enge M, Bao W, Hedström E, Jackson SP, Moumen A, Selivanova G. (2009) MDM2-dependent downregulation of p21 and hnRNP K provides a switch between apoptosis and growth arrest induced by pharmacologically activated p53. Cancer Cell 15, 171-83. Full text

  • Gravel S, Chapman JR, Magill C, Jackson SP. (2008) DNA helicases Sgs1 and BLM promote DNA double-strand break resection. Genes Dev. 22, 2767-2772. Full text UKPMC

  • Huertas P, Cortés-Ledesma F, Sartori AA, Aguilera A, Jackson SP. (2008) CDK targets Sae2 to control DNA-end resection and homologous recombination. Nature 455, 689-692. Full text UKPMC

  • Chapman JR, Jackson SP. (2008) Phospho-dependent interactions between NBS1 and MDC1 mediate chromatin retention of the MRN complex at sites of DNA damage. EMBO Rep. 9, 795-801. Full text UKPMC

  • Dry KL, Jackson SP. (2008) Maintenance of genome stability. Abcam online article. Full text

  • Li Y, Chirgadze DY, Bolanos-Garcia VM, Sibanda BL, Davies OR, Ahnesorg P, Jackson SP, Blundell TL. (2008) Crystal structure of human XLF/Cernunnos reveals unexpected differences from XRCC4 with implications for NHEJ. EMBO J. 27, 290-300. Full text UKPMC

  • Xie A, Hartlerode A, Stucki M, Odate S, Puget N, Kwok A, Nagaraju G, Yan C, Alt FW, Chen J, Jackson SP, Scully R. (2007) Distinct Roles of Chromatin-Associated Proteins MDC1 and 53BP1 in Mammalian Double-Strand Break Repair. Mol Cell. 28, 1045-57. Full text UKPMC

  • *Kolas NK, *Chapman JR, *Nakada S, Ylanko J, Chahwan R, Sweeney FD, Panier S, Mendez M, Wildenhain J, Thomson TM, Pelletier L, Jackson SP^, Durocher D^. (2007) Orchestration of the DNA-Damage Response by the RNF8 Ubiquitin Ligase. Science 318, 1637-1640. *These authors contributed equally to this work. ^Co-corresponding authors. Full text UKPMC

  • Sartori AA, Lukas C, Coates J, Mistrik M, Fu S, Bartek J, Baer R, Lukas J and Jackson SP. (2007) Human CtIP promotes DNA end resection. Nature 450, 509-514. Full text UKPMC

  • Bartkova J, Horej Sbreve I Z, Sehested M, Nesland JM, Rajpert-De Meyts E, Skakkebaek NE, Stucki M, Jackson S, Lukas J, Bartek J. (2007) DNA damage response mediators MDC1 and 53BP1: constitutive activation and aberrant loss in breast and lung cancer, but not in testicular germ cell tumours. Oncogene 26, 7414-7422. Full text

  • Hammet A, Magill C, Heierhorst J, Jackson SP. (2007) Rad9 BRCT domain interaction with phosphorylated H2AX regulates the G1 checkpoint in budding yeast. EMBO Rep. 8, 851-857. Full text UKPMC

  • Meier A, Fiegler H, Munoz P, Ellis P, Rigler D, Langford C, Blasco MA, Carter N, Jackson SP. (2007) Spreading of mammalian DNA-damage response factors studied by ChIP-chip at damaged telomeres. EMBO J. 26, 2707-2718. Full text UKPMC

  • Xhemalce B, Miller KM, Driscoll R, Masumoto H, Jackson SP, Kouzarides T, Verreault A, Arcangioli B. (2007) Regulation of histone H3 lysine 56 acetylation in Schizosaccharomyces pombe. J Biol Chem.282, 15040-15047. Full text UKPMC

  • Difilippantonio S, Celeste A, Kruhlak MJ, Lee Y, Difilippantonio MJ, Feigenbaum L, Jackson SP, McKinnon PJ, Nussenzweig A. (2007) Distinct domains in Nbs1 regulate irradiation-induced checkpoints and apoptosis. J Exp Med. 204, 1003-11. Full text UKPMC

  • Ahnesorg P and Jackson SP. (2007) The non-homologous end-joining protein Nej1p is a target of the DNA damage checkpoint. DNA Repair (Amst) 6, 190-201. Full text UKPMC

  • Driscoll R, Hudson A and Jackson SP. (2007) Yeast Rtt109 promotes genome stability by acetylating histone H3 on lysine 56. Science 315, 649-652. Full text UKPMC

  • Henderson MJ, Munoz MA, Saunders DN, Clancy JL, Russell AJ, Williams B, Pappin D, Khanna KK, Jackson SP, Sutherland RL, Watts CK. (2006) EDD mediates DNA damage-induced activation of CHK2. J Biol Chem. 281, 39990-40000. Full text

  • Hentges P, Ahnesorg P, Pitcher RS, Bruce CK, Kysela B, Green AJ, Bianchi J, Wilson TE, Jackson SP, Doherty AJ. (2006) Evolutionary and functional conservation of the DNA non-homologous end-joining protein, XLF/Cernunnos. J Biol Chem. 281, 37517-26. Full text

  • McCabe N, Turner NC, Lord CJ, Kluzek K, Bialkowska A, Swift S, Giavara S, O'connor MJ, Tutt AN, Zdzienicka MZ, Smith GC, Ashworth A. (2006) Deficiency in the Repair of DNA Damage by Homologous Recombination and Sensitivity to Poly(ADP-Ribose) Polymerase Inhibition. Cancer Res. 66, 8109-15. Full text

  • Grenon M, Magill CP, Lowndes NF, Jackson SP. (2006) Double-strand breaks trigger MRX- and Mec1-dependent, but Tel1-independent, checkpoint activation. FEMS Yeast Research 6(5):836-847. Full text

  • Stucki M, Jackson SP. (2006) gammaH2AX and MDC1: Anchoring the DNA-damage-response machinery to broken chromosomes. DNA Repair (Amst.) 5(5):534-543. Full text

  • Dore AS, Furnham N, Davies OR, Sibanda BL, Chirgadze DY, Jackson SP, Pellegrini L, Blundell TL. (2006) Structure of an Xrcc4-DNA ligase IV yeast ortholog complex reveals a novel BRCT interaction mode. DNA Repair 5(3):362-368. Full text

  • Ahnesorg P, Smith P, Jackson SP. (2006) XLF Interacts with the XRCC4-DNA Ligase IV Complex to Promote DNA Nonhomologous End-Joining. Cell 124(2):301-313. Full text

  • Smits VA*, Reaper PM*, Jackson SP. (2006) Rapid PIKK-Dependent Release of Chk1 from Chromatin Promotes the DNA-Damage Checkpoint Response. Curr Biol. 16(2):150-159 *These authors contributed equally to this work Full text

  • Jazayeri A, Falck J, Lukas C, Bartek J, Smith GC, Lukas J, Jackson SP. (2006) ATM- and cell cycle-dependent regulation of ATR in response to DNA double-strand breaks. Nat Cell Biol. 8(1):37-45. Full text

  • Tutt AN, Lord CJ, McCabe N, Farmer H, Turner N, Martin NM, Jackson SP, Smith GC, Ashworth A. (2005) Exploiting the DNA repair defect in BRCA mutant cells in the design of new therapeutic strategies for cancer. Cold Spring Harb Symp Quant Biol. 70:139-148. Full text

  • Stucki M, Clapperton JA, Mohammad D, Yaffe MB, Smerdon SJ, Jackson SP. (2005) MDC1 Directly Binds Phosphorylated Histone H2AX to Regulate Cellular Responses to DNA Double-Strand Breaks. Cell123(7):1213-1226. Full text

  • Moumen A, Masterson P, O'Connor M, Jackson SP. (2005) hnRNP K: a new HDM2 target and co-activator for p53-dependent transcription in response to DNA damage. Cell 123(6):1065-1078. Full text

  • Short SC, Bourne S, Martindale C, Woodcock M, Jackson SP. (2005) DNA damage responses at low radiation doses. Radiat Res. 164(3):292-302. Full text

  • Sartori A. (2005) Networking in the Framework. Nature 437(7056):292. No abstract available. Full text

  • Harvey AC, Jackson SP, Downs JA. (2005) Saccharomyces cerevisiae Histone H2A Ser122 facilitates DNA repair. Genetics 170:543-553. Full text

  • Lau A, Swinbank KM, Ahmed PS, Taylor DL, Jackson SP, Smith GC, O'Connor MJ. (2005) Suppression of HIV-1 infection by a small molecule inhibitor of the ATM kinase. Nat Cell Biol. 7(5):493-500. Full text

  • Farmer H, McCabe N, Lord CJ, Tutt AN, Johnson DA, Richardson TB, Santarosa M, Dillon KJ, Hickson I, Knights C, Martin NM, Jackson SP, Smith GC, Ashworth A. (2005) Targeting the DNA repair defect in BRCA mutant cells as a therapeutic strategy. Nature 434(7035):917-21. Full text

  • Falck J, Coates J, Jackson SP. (2005) Conserved modes of recruitment of ATM, ATR and DNA-PKcs to sites of DNA damage. Nature 434:605-611. Full text

  • Giavara S, Kosmidou E, Hande MP, Bianchi ME, Morgan A, d'Adda di Fagagna F, Jackson SP. (2005) Yeast Nhp6A/B and Mammalian Hmgb1 Facilitate the Maintenance of Genome Stability. Curr Biol. 15(1):68-72. Full text

  • Lee AC, Fernandez-Capetillo O, Pisupati V, Jackson SP, Nussenzweig A. (2005) Specific Association of Mouse MDC1/NFBD1 with NBS1 at Sites of DNA- Damage. Cell Cycle. 4(1): 177-182. Full text

  • von Zglinicki T, Saretzki G, Ladhoff J, d'Adda di Fagagna F, Jackson SP. (2005) Human cell senescence as a DNA damage response. Mech Ageing Dev. Jan;126(1):111-7. Full text


Publications from 2000-2004

  • Downs JA, Allard S, Jobin-Robitaille O, Javaheri A, Auger A, Bouchard N, Kron SJ, Jackson SP, Cote J. (2004) Binding of Chromatin-Modifying Activities to Phosphorylated Histone H2A at DNA Damage Sites. Mol Cell. 16(6):979-90. Full text

  • Hickson I, Zhao Y, Richardson CJ, Green SJ, Martin NM, Orr AI, Reaper PM, Jackson SP, Curtin NJ, Smith GC. (2004) Identification and Characterization of a Novel and Specific Inhibitor of the Ataxia-Telangiectasia Mutated Kinase ATM. Cancer Res. 64(24):9152-9. Full text

  • Riballo E, Kuhne M, Rief N, Doherty A, Smith GC, Recio MJ, Reis C, Dahm K, Fricke A, Krempler A, Parker AR, Jackson SP, Gennery A, Jeggo PA, Lobrich M. (2004) A Pathway of Double-Strand Break Rejoining Dependent upon ATM, Artemis, and Proteins Locating to gamma-H2AX Foci. Mol Cell. 16(5):715-24. Full text

  • Squires S, Coates JA, Goldberg M, Toji LH, Jackson SP, Clarke DJ, Johnson RT. (2004) p53 Prevents the Accumulation of Double-Strand DNA Breaks at Stalled-Replication Forks Induced by UV in Human Cells. Cell Cycle 3(12):1543-1557. Full text

  • Stucki M, Jackson SP. (2004) Tudor domains track down DNA breaks. Nat Cell Biol. Dec;6(12):1150-2. Full text

  • Lau A, Kanaar R, Jackson SP, O'Connor MJ. (2004) Suppression of retroviral infection by the RAD52 DNA repair protein. EMBO J. 23(16):3421-9. Full text

  • Stucki M, Jackson SP. (2004) MDC1/NFBD1: a key regulator of the DNA damage response in higher eukaryotes. DNA Repair (Amst). Aug-Sep;3(8-9):953-7. Full text

  • d'Adda di Fagagna F, Teo SH, Jackson SP. (2004) Functional links between telomeres and proteins of the DNA-damage response. Genes Dev. 18:1781-1799. Full text

  • Lukas C, Melander F, Stucki M, Falck J, Bekker-Jensen S, Goldberg M, Lerenthal Y, Jackson SP, Bartek J, Lukas J. (2004) Mdc1 couples DNA double-strand break recognition by Nbs1 with its H2AX-dependent chromatin retention. EMBO J 23:2674-2683. Full text

  • Jones GG, Reaper PM, Pettitt AR, Sherrington PD. (2004) The ATR-p53 pathway is suppressed in noncycling normal and malignant lymphocytes. Oncogene 23(10):1911-21. Full text

  • Reaper PM, d'Adda di Fagagna F, Jackson SP. (2004) Activation of the DNA damage response by telomere attrition. Cell Cycle 3(5):543-546. Full text

  • Downs JA, Jackson SP. (2004) A means to a DNA end: the many roles of Ku. Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol. 5(5):367-78. Full text

  • Jazayeri A, McAinsh AD, Jackson SP. (2004) Saccharomyces cerevisiae Sin3p facilitates DNA double-strand break repair. Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA 101(6):1644-9. Full text

  • Roy R, Meier B, McAinsh AD, Feldmann HM and Jackson SP. (2004) Separation-of-function mutants of yeast Ku80 reveal a Yku80p-Sir4p interaction involved in telomeric silencing. J. Biol. Chem 279(1):86-94. Full text

  • Harvey AC, Downs JA. (2004) What functions do linker histones provide? Mol Microbiol. Aug;53(3):771-5. Full text

  • Surralles J, Jackson SP, Jasin M, Kastan MB, West SC, Joenje H. (2004) Molecular cross-talk among chromosome fragility syndromes. Genes Dev. Jun 15;18(12):1359-70. Meeting review. Full text

  • d'Adda di Fagagna F, Reaper PM, Clay-Farrace L, Fiegler H, Carr P, Von Zglinicki T, Saretzki G, Carter NP. and Jackson SP. (2003) A DNA damage checkpoint response in telomere-initiated senescence. Nature 426(6963):194-8. Full text

  • Gravel S, Jackson SP. (2003) Increased genome instability in aging yeast. Cell 115(1):1-2. Full text

  • Downs JA and Jackson SP. (2003) Protective packaging for DNA. Nature 424:732-734. Full text

  • Bradbury JM and Jackson SP. (2003) Quick Guide: ATM and ATR. Curr. Biol. 13:R468. Full text

  • Downs JA, Kosmidou E, Morgan A and Jackson SP. (2003) Suppression of homologous recombination by the Saccharomyces cerevisiae linker histone. Mol. Cell 11:1685-1692. Full text

  • *Goldberg M, *Stucki M, Falck J, D'Amours D, Rahman D, Pappin D, Bartek J and Jackson SP. (2003) The MDC1 protein is required for the intra-S-phase DNA damage checkpoint. Nature 421:952-956. *These authors contributed equally to this work Full text

  • Bradbury JM and Jackson SP. (2003) The complex matter of DNA double-strand break detection. Biochem. Soc. Trans 31:40-44. Full text

  • d'Adda di Fagagna F, Weller GR, Doherty AJ and Jackson SP. (2003) The Gam protein of bacteriophage Mu is an orthologue of eukaryotic Ku. EMBO Reports 4:47-52. Full text

  • Dionne I, Nookala RK, Jackson SP, Doherty AJ and Bell SD. (2003) A heterotrimeric PCNA in the hyperthermophilic archaeon Sulfolobus solfataricus. Mol. Cell 11:275-282. Full text

  • Smith GCM and Jackson SP. (2003) The PIKK family of protein kinases. Handbook of Cell Signalling 1:557-561 (Academic Press).

  • Bradbury JM and Jackson SP. (2003) Double-strand break recognition and its repair by nonhomologous end joining. Handbook of Cell Signalling 3:219-224 (Academic Press).

  • Chang J-H, Kim H-C, Hwang K-Y, Lee J-W, Jackson SP, Bell SD and Cho Y. (2002) Structural basis for the NAD dependent deacetylase mechanism of Sir2. J. Biol. Chem. 277, 34489-34498. Full text

  • *Weller GR, *Kysela B, *Roy R, Tonkin L, Scanlan E, Della M, Krogh Devine S, Day JP, Wilkinson A, d'Adda di Fagagna F, Devine K, Bowater RP, Jeggo P, Jackson SP and Doherty AJ. (2002) Identification of a DNA non-homologous end-joining complex in bacteria. Science 297, 1686-1689. *These authors contributed equally to this work Full text

  • Rouse J and Jackson SP. (2002) Interfaces between the detection, signaling, and repair of DNA damage. Science 297:547-551. Full text

  • Jackson SP. (2002) Sensing and repairing DNA double-strand breaks. Carcinogenesis 23:687-696. Abstract Full text

  • Li J, Williams BL, Haire LF, Goldberg M, Wilker E, Durocher D, Yaffe MB, Jackson SP and Smerdon SJ. (2002) Structural and functional versatility of the FHA domain in DNA-damage signaling by the tumor suppressor kinase Chk2. Mol. Cell 9:1045-1054. Full text

  • D'Amours D and Jackson SP. (2002) The Mre11 complex: at the crossroads of DNA repair and checkpoint signalling. Nat. Rev. Mol. Cell Biol. 3:317-327. Full text

  • Bell SD, Botting CH, Wardleworth BN, Jackson SP and White MF. (2002) The Interaction of Alba, a Conserved Archaeal Chromatin Protein, with Sir2 and Its Regulation by Acetylation. Science 296:148-151. Full text

  • Rouse J and Jackson SP. (2002) Lcd1p recruits Mec1p to DNA lesions in vitro and in vivo. Mol. Cell 9:857-869. Full text

  • Durocher D and Jackson SP. (2002) The FHA domain. FEBS Letters 513:58-66. Full text

  • Jazayeri A and Jackson SP. (2002) Screening the yeast genome for new DNA-repair genes. Genome Biology 3:R1009.1-R1009.5. Full text

  • Magill CP, Jackson SP and Bell SD. (2001) Identification of a conserved archaeal RNA polymerase subunit contacted by the basal transcription factor TFB. J. Biol. Chem. 276:46693-46696. Full text

  • Sibanda BL, Critchlow SE, Begun J, Pei XY, Jackson SP, Blundell TL and Pellegrini L. (2001) Crystal structure of an Xrcc4-DNA ligase IV complex. Nat. Struct. Biol. 8:1015-1020. Full text

  • Doherty AJ and Jackson SP. (2001) How Ku makes ends meet. Curr. Biol. 11:R920-R924. Full text

  • Khanna K, Lavin M, Jackson S and Mulhern T. (2001) ATM, a central controller of cellular responses to DNA damage. Cell Death Differ. 8:1052-1065. Full text

  • Herceg Z, Hulla W, Gell D, Cuenin C, Lleonart M, Jackson S and Wang ZQ. (2001) Disruption of Trapp causes early embryonic lethality and defects in cell cycle progression. Nat. Genet. 206:206-211. Full text

  • D'Amours D and Jackson SP. (2001) The yeast Xrs2 complex functions in S phase checkpoint regulation. Genes Dev. 15:2238-2249. Full text

  • d'Adda di Fagagna F, Hande MP, Tong W-M, Roth D, Lansdorp PM, Wang ZQ and Jackson SP. (2001) Effects of non-homologous end-joining factors on telomere length and chromosomal stability in mammalian cells. Curr. Biol. 11:1192-1196. Full text

  • Bell SD, Magill CP and Jackson SP. (2001) Basal and regulated transcription in Archaea. Biochem. Soc. Trans 29:292-395. Full text

  • Freire R, d'Adda di Fagagna F, Wu L, Pedrazzie G, Stagljar I, Hickson ID and Jackson SP. (2001) Cleavage of the Bloom's syndrome gene product during apoptosis by caspase-3 results in an impaired interaction with topoisomerase III alpha. Nucleic Acids Res. 29:3172-3180. Full text

  • Doherty AJ, Jackson SP and Weller GR. (2001) Identification of bacterial homologues of the Ku DNA repair proteins. FEBS Lett. 500:186-188. Full text

  • Eichhorn K and Jackson SP. (2001) A role for TAF3B2 in the repression of human RNA polymerase III transcription in non-proliferating cells. J. Biol. Chem. 276:21158-21165. Full text

  • Korkhin Y, Littlefield O, Nelson PJ, Bell SD and Sigler PB. (2001) Preparation of the components of the archeal transcription preinitiation complex. Methods Enzymol. 334:227-239. Full text

  • Durocher D and Jackson SP. (2001) DNA-PK, ATM and ATR as sensors of DNA damage: variations on a theme? Curr. Opin. Cell Biol. 13:225-231. Full text

  • Bell SD and Jackson SP. (2001) Mechanism and regulation of trancription in Archaea. Curr. Opin. Microbiol. 4:208-213. Full text

  • Teo S-H and Jackson SP. (2001) Telomerase subunits overexpression suppresses telomere-specific checkpoint activation in yku80 mutant. EMBO Reports 2:197-202. Full text

  • Khanna KK and Jackson SP. (2001) DNA double-strand breaks: signaling, repair and the cancer connection. Nat. Genet. 27:247-254. Full text

  • Bell SD, Brinkman AR, van der Oost J and Jackson SP. (2001) The archael TFIIEa homologue facilitates transcription initiation by enhancing TATA-box recognition. EMBO Reports 2:133-138. Full text

  • Jackson SP. (2001) Detecting, signalling and repairing DNA double-strand breaks. Biochem. Soc. Trans 29:655-661. Full text

  • Downs JA, Lowndes NF and Jackson SP. (2000) A role for Saccharomyces cerevisiae histone H2A in DNA repair. Nature 408:1001-1004. Full text

  • Wilson CR, Davidson SE, Margison GP, Jackson SP, Hendry JH and West CML. (2000). Expression of Ku70 correlates with survival in carcinoma of the cervix. British Journal of Cancer 83:1702-1706. Full text

  • Rouse J and Jackson SP. (2000) LCD1: an essential gene involved in checkpoint control and regulation of the MEC1 signalling pathway in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. EMBO J. 19:5801-5812. Full text

  • Durocher D, Taylor IA, Sarbassova D, Haire L H, Westcott SL, Jackson SP, Smerdon SJ and Yaffe MB. (2000) The molecular basis of FHA domain:phosphopeptide binding specificity and implications for phosphodependent signaling mechanisms. Mol. Cell. 6:1169-1182. Full text

  • Bell SD and Jackson SP. (2000) Mechanism of autoregulation by an archaeal transcriptional repressor. J. Biol. Chem. 275:31624-31629. Full text

  • Errami A, Overkamp WJ, He DM, Friedl AA, Gell DA, Eckardt-Schupp F, Jackson SP, Hendrickson EA, Lohman PH and Zdzienicka MZ. (2000) A new X-ray sensitive CHO cell mutant of ionizing radiation group 7, XR-C2, that is defective in DSB repair but has only a mild defect in V(D)J recombination. Mutat. Res. 461:59-69. Full text

  • Bell SD and Jackson SP. (2000) Charting a course through the RNA polymerase. Nat. Struct. Biol. 7, 703-705. Full text

  • Bell SD and Jackson SP. (2000) The role of transcription factor B in transcription initiation and promoter clearance in the Archaeon Sulfolobus acidocaldarius. J. Biol. Chem. 275:12934-12940. Full text

  • Carlomagno F, Burnet NG, Turesson I, Nyman J, Peacock JH, Dunning AM, Ponder BAJ and Jackson SP. (2000) Comparison of DNA repair protein expression and activities between human fibroblast cell lines with different radiosensitivities. Intl. J. Cancer 85:845-849. Full text

  • Teo S-H and Jackson SP. (2000) Lif1p targets the DNA ligase, Lig4p, to sites of DNA double-strand breaks. Curr. Biol. 10:165-168. Full text

  • Moens PB, Freire R, Tarsounas M, Spyropoulos B and Jackson SP. (2000) Expression and nuclear localization of BLM, a chromosome stability protein mutated in Bloom's syndrome, suggest a role in recombination during meiotic prophase. J. Cell Sci. 113, 663-672. Full text

  • Durocher D, Smerdon SJ, Yaffe MB and Jackson SP. (2000)The FHA domain in DNA repair and checkpoint signaling. Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology 65:423-431. No abstract available.

  • McAinsh AD, Bell SD and Jackson SP. (2000) Sir2: a key player in silencing, ageing and metabolism. The ELSO Gazette 1 Full text


Publications from 1995-1999

  • Lakin ND and Jackson SP. (1999) Regulation of p53 in response to DNA damage. Oncogene 18, 7644-7655. Full text

  • Bell SD, Cairns SS, Robson RL and Jackson SP. (1999) Transcriptional regulation of an archaeal operon in vivo and in vitro. Mol. Cell 4, 971-982. Full text

  • Bell SD, Kosa PL, Sigler PB and Jackson SP. (1999) Orientation of the transcription preinitiation complex in Archaea. Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA 96, 13662-13667. Full text

  • Featherstone C and Jackson SP. (1999) DNA double-strand break repair. Curr. Biol. 9, R759-R761. Full text

  • Smith GCM, Cary RB, Lakin ND, Hann BC, Teo S-H, Chen DJ and Jackson SP. (1999) Purification and DNA-binding properties of the ataxia-telangiectasia gene product ATM. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 96, 11134-11139. Full text

  • McAinsh AD, Scott-Drew S, Murray JAH and Jackson SP. (1999) DNA damage triggers loss of telomeric silencing and the Mec1p-dependent relocation of Sir3p. Curr. Biol. 9, 963-966. Full text

  • Smith GCM, d'Adda di Fagagna F, Lakin ND and Jackson SP. (1999) Cleavage and inactivation of ATM during apoptosis. Mol. Cell. Biol. 19, 6076-6084. Full text

  • Downs J and Jackson SP. (1999) Involvement of DNA end-binding protein Ku in Ty element retrotransposition. Mol. Cell. Biol. 19, 6260-6268. Full text

  • Durocher D, Henckel J, Fersht AR and Jackson SP. (1999). The FHA domain is a phosphopeptide recognition motif. Mol. Cell 4, 387-394. Full text

  • d'Adda di Fagagna F, Hande MP, Tong W-M, Lansdorp PM, Wang Z-Q and Jackson SP. (1999) Functions of poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase in controlling telomere length and chromosomal stability. Nat. Genet. 23, 76-80. Full text

  • Gell D and Jackson SP. (1999). Mapping of protein-protein interactions within the DNA-dependent protein kinase complex. Nucleic Acids Res. 27, 3493-3502. Full text

  • Lakin ND, Hann BC and Jackson SP. (1999) The ataxia telangiectasia-related protein, ATR, mediates DNA-dependent phosphorylation of p53. Oncogene 18, 3989-3995. Full text

  • Featherstone C and Jackson SP. (1999) DNA-dependent protein kinase gets a break: its role in repairing DNA and maintaining genomic integrity. Br. J. Cancer 80 (Supplement 1), 14-19.

  • *Riballo E, *Critchlow SE, Teo S-H, Doherty AJ, Priestley A, Broughton B, Kysela B, Beamish H, Plowman N, Artlett CF, Lehmann AR, Jackson SP and Jeggo PA. (1999) Identification of a deficit in DNA ligase IV in a radiosensitive leukaemia patient. Curr. Biol. 9, 699-702. *These authors contributed equally to this work Full text

  • Izzard RA, Jackson SP and Smith GCM. (1999) Competitive and non-competitive inhibition of the DNA-dependent protein kinase. Cancer Res. 59, 2581-2586. Full text

  • Featherstone C and Jackson SP. (1999) Ku, a DNA repair protein with multiple cellular functions? Mut. Res. DNA Repair 434, 3-15. Full text

  • Moens PB, Tarsounas M, Morita T, Habu T, Rottinghaus ST, Freire R, Jackson SP, Barlow C and Wynshaw-Boris A. (1999) The association of ATR protein with mouse meiotic chromosome cores. Chromosoma 108, 95-102. Full text

  • Plumb MA, Smith GCM, Cunniffe SMT, Jackson SP and O'Neill P. (1999) DNA-PK activation by ionising radiation-induced DNA single-strand breaks. Intl. J. Rad. Biol. 75, 553-561.

  • Smith GCM and Jackson SP. (1999) The DNA-dependent protein kinase. Genes Dev. 13, 916-934. No abstract available Full text

  • Singleton BK, Torres-Arzayus MI, Rottinghaus ST, Taccioli GE and Jeggo PA. (1999) The C Terminus of Ku80 activates the DNA-Dependent protein kinase Mol. Cell. Biol. 19, 3267-3277. Full text

  • Jackson SP. (1999) Colworth medal lecture. Detection, repair and signalling of DNA double-strand breaks. Biochem. Soc. Trans. 27, 1-13. No abstract available

  • Smith GCM, Divecha N, Lakin ND and Jackson SP. (1999) DNA-dependent protein kinase and related enzymes. Biochem. Soc. Symp. 64, 91-104.

  • Bell SD, Jaxel C, Nadal M, Kosa PF and Jackson SP. (1998) Temperature, template topology, and factor requirements of archaeal transcription. Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA 95, 15218-15222. Full text

  • Barlow C, Liyanage M, Moens PB, Tarsounas M, Nagashima K, Brown K, Rottinghaus S, Jackson SP, Tagle D, Ried T and Wynshaw-Boris A. (1998) Atm deficiency results in severe meiotic disruption as early as leptonema of prophase I. Development 125, 4007-4017. Full text

  • Errami A, Finnie NJ, Morolli B, Jackson SP, Lohmann PHM and Zdzienicka MZ. (1998) Molecular and biochemical characterization of new X-ray-sensitive hamster cell mutants defective in Ku80. Nucleic Acids Res. 26, 4332-4338. Full text

  • Critchlow SE and Jackson SP. (1998) DNA end joining: from yeast to man. Trends Biochem. Sci. 23, 394-398. Full text

  • Taccioli GE, Amatucci AG, Beamish HJ, Gell D, Xiang XH, Arzayus MIT, Priestley A, Jackson SP, Rothstein AM, Jeggo PA and Herrera VLM. (1998) Targeted disruption of the catalytic subunit of the DNA PK gene in mice confers severe combined immunodeficiency and radiosensitivity. Immunity 9, 355-366. Full text

  • Featherstone C and Jackson SP. (1998) DNA repair: The Nijmegen breakage syndrome protein. Curr. Biol. 8, R622-R625. Full text

  • Freire R, Murguia JR, Tarsounas M, Lowndes N, Moens PB and Jackson SP. (1998) Human and mouse homologues of S. pombe rad1+ and S. cerevisiae RAD17: linkage to checkpoint control and mammalian meiosis. Genes Dev. 12, 2560-2573. Full text

  • Yavuzer U, Smith GCM, Bliss T, Werner D and Jackson SP. (1998) DNA end-independent activation of DNA-PK mediated via association with the DNA-binding protein C1D. Genes Dev. 12, 2188-2199. Full text

  • Errami A, He DM, Friedl AA, Overkamp WJI, Morolli B, Hendrickson EA, EckardtSchupp F, Oshimura M, Lohman P HM and Jackson SP. (1998) XR-C1, a new CHO cell mutant which is defective in DNA-PKcs, is impaired in both V(D)J coding and signal joint formation. Nucleic Acids Res. 26, 3146-3153. Full text

  • Escarceller M, Buchwald M, Singleton BK, Jeggo PA, Jackson SP, Moustacchi E and Papadopoulo D. (1998) Fanconi anemia C gene product plays a role in the fidelity of blunt DNA end joining. J. Mol. Biol.279, 375-385. Full text

  • Bell SD and Jackson SP. (1998) Transcription and translation in Archaea: a mosaic of eukaryal and bacterial features. Trends Microbiol. 6, 222-228. Full text

  • Priestley A, Gell D, Singelton B, Beamish H, Amatucci A, Muhlmann-Diaz M, Smith GCM, Blunt T, Schwalk L, Jessberger R, Bedford J, Jackson SP, Jeggo PA and Taccioli G. (1998) Molecular and biochemical characterisation of DNA-dependent protein kinase-defective rodent mutant irs-20. Nucleic Acids Res. 26, 1965-1973. Full text

  • Trigon S, Serizawa H, Conaway JW, Conaway RC, Jackson SP and Morange M. (1998) Characterization of the residues phosphorylated in vitro by different C-terminal domain kinases. J. Biol. Chem. 273, 6769-6775. Full text

  • Boulton SJ, and Jackson SP. (1998) Components of the Ku-dependent non-homologous end-joining pathway are involved in telomeric length maintenance and telomeric silencing. EMBO J. 17, 1819-1828. Full text

  • Qureshi SA and Jackson SP. (1998) Sequence-specific DNA binding by the Sulfolobus shibatae TFIIB homologue, TFB, and its effects on promoter strength. Mol. Cell 1, 389-400. Full text

  • Bell SD and Jackson SP. (1998) Transcription in Archaea. Cold Spring Harbor Symp. Quant. Biol. LXIII, 41-51. No abstract available

  • Morrison C, Stingl L, Smith GCM, Jackson SP, Wagner EF and Wang Z-Q. (1997) Genetic interaction between PARP and DNA-PK in V(D)J recombination and tumourigenesis. Nat. Genet. 17, 479-482. Full text

  • Jackson SP. (1997) Silencing and DNA repair connect. Nature 388, 829-830. Full text

  • Critchlow SE, Bowater RP and Jackson SP. (1997). Mammalian DNA double-strand break repair protein XRCC4 interacts with DNA ligase IV. Curr. Biol. 7, 588-598. Full text

  • Teo S-H and Jackson SP. (1997) Identification of Saccharomyces cerevisiae DNA ligase IV: involvement in DNA double-strand break repair. EMBO J. 16, 4788-4795. Full text

  • Jackson SP. (1997) DNA-dependent protein kinase. Intl J. Biochem. Cell Biol. 29, 935-938. Full text

  • Qureshi SA, Bell SD and Jackson SP. (1997) Factor requirements for transcription in the archaeon Sulfolobus shibatae. EMBO J. 16, 2927-2936. Full text

  • Larminie CGC, Cairns CA, Mital R, Martin K, Kouzarides T, Jackson SP and White RJ. (1997) Mechanistic analysis of RNA polymerase III regulation by the retinoblastoma protein. EMBO J. 16, 2061-2071. Full text

  • Elgin SC, Jackson SP. (1997) Chromosomes and expression mechanisms. Curr Opin Genet Dev. 7(2), 149-51. Editorial overview

  • Singleton BK, Priestley A, Steingrimsdottir H, Gell D, Blunt T, Jackson SP, Lehman AR and Jeggo PA. (1997). Molecular and biochemical characterisation of xrs mutants defective in Ku80. Mol. Cell. Biol. 17, 1264-1273. Full text

  • de Decker BS, O'Brien R, Fleming PJ, Geiger JH, Jackson SP and Sigler PB. (1996) The crystal structure of a hyperthermophilic archaeal TATA-box-binding protein. J. Mol. Biol. 264, 1072-1084. Full text

  • Lakin ND, Weber P, Stankovic T, Rottinghaus ST, Taylor AM and Jackson SP. (1996) Analysis of the ATM protein in wild-type and ataxia telangiectasia cells. Oncogene 13, 2707-2716.

  • Le Romancer M, Cosulich SC, Jackson SP and Clarke PR. (1996) Cleavage and inactivation of DNA-dependent protein kinase catalytic subunit during apoptosis in Xenopus egg extracts. J. Cell. Sci. 109, 3121-3127. Full text

  • Boulton SJ and Jackson SP. (1996) Identification of a Saccharomyces cerevisiae Ku80 homologue: roles in DNA double-strand break rejoining and in telomeric maintenance. Nucl. Acids Res. 24, 4639-4638. Full text

  • Grawunder U, Finnie N, Jackson SP, Riwar B and Jessberger R. (1996) Expression of DNA-dependent protein kinase holoenzyme upon induction of B- lymphocyte differentiation and V(D)J rearrangement. Eur. J. Biochem. 241, 931-940.

  • Jongmans W, Artuso M, Vuillaume M, Brésil H, Jackson SP and Hall J. (1996) The role of Ataxia telangiectasia and the DNA-dependent protein kinase in the p53-mediated cellular response to ionising radiation. Oncogene 13, 1133-1138.

  • Blunt T, Gell D, Fox M, Taccioli GE, Lehmann AR, Jackson SP and Jeggo PA. (1996) Identification of a nonsense mutation in the carboxy-terminal region of DNA-dependent protein kinase catalytic subunit in the scid mouse. Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA 93, 10285-10290. Full text

  • Boulton SJ and Jackson SP. (1996). Saccharomyces cerevisiae Ku70 potentiates illegitimate DNA double-strand break repair and serves as a barrier to error-prone DNA repair pathways. EMBO J. 15, 5093-5103. Full text

  • Song Q, Burrows SR, Smith G, Lees-Miller SP, Kumar S, Chan DW, Trapani JA, Alnemri E, Litwack G, Lu H, Moss DJ, Jackson SP and Lavin MF. (1996) ICE-like protease cleaves DNA-dependent protein kinase in cytotoxic T-cell killing. J. Exp. Med. 184, 619-626. Full text

  • White RJ, Trouche D, Martin K, Jackson SP and Kouzarides T. (1996) Repression of RNA polymerase III transcription by the retinoblastoma protein. Nature 382, 88-90. Full text

  • Song Q, Lees-Miller SP, Kumar S, Zhang N, Smith GCM, Jackson SP, Alnermri ES, Litwack G and Lavin MF. (1996) DNA-dependent protein kinase catalytic subunit: a target for the ICE-like protease CPP32 in apoptosis. EMBO J. 15, 3238-3246. Full text

  • Baumann P and Jackson SP. (1996) An archaebacterial homologue of the essential eubacterial cell division protein FtsZ. Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA 93, 6726-6730. Full text

  • Nicolas N, Finnie NJ, Cavazzana-Calvo M, Papadopoulo D, Le Deist F, Fischer A, Jackson SP and de Villartay J-P. (1996). Lack of detectable defect in DNA-double strand break repair and DNA-dependent protein kinase activity in radiosensitive human severe combined immunodeficiency fibroblasts. Eur. J. Immunol. 26, 1118-1122.

  • Finnie NJ, Gottlieb TM, Blunt T, Jeggo PA and Jackson SP. (1996) DNA-dependent protein kinase defects are linked to deficiencies in DNA repair and V(D)J recombination. Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. 351, 173-179.

  • Williams RD, Lee B, Jackson SP and Proudfoot NJ. (1996) Activation domains of transcription factors mediate replication dependent transcription from a minimal HIV-1 promoter. Nucl. Acids Res. 24, 549-557. Full text

  • Jackson SP. (1996) The recognition of DNA damage. Curr. Opin. Genet. Dev. 6, 19-25.

  • Jackson SP. (1996). DNA damage detection by DNA-dependent protein kinase and related enzymes. Cancer Surveys 28, 261-279.

  • Jeggo PA, Jackson SP and Taccioli GE. (1996) Identification of the catalytic subunit of DNA dependent protein kinase as the product of the SCID mouse gene. Curr. Topics. Microbiol. Immunol. 217, 79-89. No abstract available

  • White RJ, Gottlieb TM, Downes CS and Jackson SP. (1995) Cell cycle regulation of RNA polymerase III transcription. Mol. Cell. Biol. 15, 6653-6662. Full text

  • Blunt T, Taccioli G, Priestley A, Hafezparast M, McMillan T, Liu J, Cole C, White J, Alt F, Jackson SP, Schurr E, Lehmann A and Jeggo P. (1995) A YAC contig encompassing the XRCC5 (Ku80) DNA repair gene and complementation of defective cells by YAC protoplast fusion. Genomics 30, 320-328. Full text

  • Miller RD, Hogg J, Ozaki JH, Gell D, Jackson SP and Riblet R. (1995) Gene for the catalytic subunit of mouse DNA-dependent protein kinase maps to the scid locus. Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA 92, 10792-10795. Full text

  • Jeggo PA, Taccioli GE and Jackson SP. (1995) Menage-a-trois: double-strand break repair, V(D)J recombination and DNA-PK. BioEssays 17, 949-957.

  • Jackson SP. (1995) Ataxia-telangiectasia at the cross-roads. Curr. Biol. 5, 1210-1212. Full text

  • Jackson SP and Jeggo PA. (1995) DNA double-strand break repair, V(D)J recombination, and the involvement of DNA-PK. Trends Biochem. Sci. 20, 412-415. Full text

  • Hartley K, Gell D, Smith GCM, Zhang H, Divecha N, Connelly MA, Admon A, Lees-Miller SP, Anderson CW and Jackson SP. (1995) DNA-dependent protein kinase catalytic subunit: a relative of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinaseand the ataxia telangiectasia gene product. Cell 82, 849-856. Full text

  • Sipley JD, Mennenger JC, Hartley K, Ward DC, Jackson SP and Anderson CW. (1995). The gene for the catalytic subunit of the human DNA-activated protein kinase maps to the site of the XRCC7 gene on chromosome 8. Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA 92, 7515-7519. Full text

  • Baumann PB, Qureshi, SA and Jackson SP. (1995) Transcription - new insights from studies on Archaea. Trends Genet. 11, 279-283. Full text

  • Qureshi SA, Khoo B, Baumann P and Jackson SP. (1995) Molecular cloning and functional analysis of the TFIIB homologue from the Archaeon Sulfolobus shibatae. Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA 92, 6077-6081. Full text

  • Qureshi SA, Baumann P, Rowlands T, Khoo B and Jackson SP. (1995) Cloning and functional analysis of the TATA-binding protein from Sulfolobus shibatae. Nucl. Acids Res. 23, 1775-1781. Full text

  • White RJ, Gottlieb TM, Downes CS and Jackson SP. (1995) Mitotic regulation of a TBP-containing complex. Mol. Cell. Biol. 15, 1983-1992. Full text

  • Blunt T*, Finnie NJ*, Taccioli GE, Smith GCM, Demengeot J, Gottlieb TM, Mizuta R, Varghese AJ, Alt F, Jeggo PA and Jackson SP. (1995) Defective DNA-dependent protein kinase activity is linked to V(D)J recombination and DNA repair defects associated with the murine scid mutation. Cell 80, 813-823. *These authors contributed equally to this work Full text

  • Kuhn A, Gottlieb TM, Jackson SP and Grummt I. (1995) DNA-dependent protein kinase: a potent inhibitor of transcription by RNA polymerase I. Genes Dev. 9, 193-203. Full text

  • Finnie NJ, Gottlieb TM, Blunt T, Jeggo PA and Jackson SP. (1995) DNA-dependent protein kinase activity is absent in xrs-6 cells: implications for site-specific recombination and DNA double-strand break repair. Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA 92, 320-324. Full text


Publications from 1990-1994

  • Khoo BC-E, Brophy B and Jackson SP. (1994) Conserved functional domains of the RNA polymerase III general transcription factor BRF. Genes Dev. 8, 2879-2890. Full text

  • Gottlieb TM and Jackson SP. (1994) Protein kinases and DNA damage. Trends Biochem. Sci. 19, 500-503.

  • White RJ, Khoo BCE, Inostroza JA, Reinberg D and Jackson SP. (1994) Differential regulation of RNA polymerases I, II, and III by the TBP-binding repressor Dr1. Science 266, 448-450. Full text

  • Taccioli GE, Gottlieb TM, Blunt T, Priestley A, Alt FW, Lehmann AR, Jackson SP and Jeggo PA. (1994) Ku80: Product of the XRCC5 gene and its role in DNA repair and V(D)J recombination Science 265, 1442-1445. Full text

  • Anderson CW, Connelley MA, Zhang H, Sipley JD, Lees-Miller SP, Sakaguchi K, Ullrich SJ, Jackson SP and Appella E. (1994) The human DNA-activated protein kinase, DNA-PK, is activated by DNA breaks and phosphorylates nuclear DNA-binding substrates on serines and threonines following glutamine. J. Prot. Chem. 13, 500-501.

  • Rowlands T, Baumann P and Jackson SP. (1994) The TATA-binding protein: a general transcription factor in eukaryotes and archaebacteria. Science 264, 1326-1329. Full text

  • Finnie N, Gottlieb T, Hartley K and Jackson SP. (1993) Transcription factor phosphorylation by the DNA-dependent protein kinase. Biochemical Society Transactions 21, 930-935. No abstract available

  • Bannister AJ, Gottlieb TM, Kouzarides T and Jackson SP. (1993) c-Jun is phosphorylated by the DNA-dependent protein kinase in vitro; definition of the minimal kinase recognition motif. Nucl. Acids Res.21, 1289-1295. Full text

  • Gottlieb TM and Jackson SP. (1993) The DNA-dependent protein kinase: requirement for DNA ends and association with Ku antigen. Cell 72, 131-142. Full text

  • Jackson S, Gottlieb T and Hartley K. (1993) Phosphorylation of transcription factor SP1 by the DNA-dependent protein kinase. Advances in Second Messenger and Phosphoprotein Research 28, 279-286. No abstract available

  • White RJ and Jackson SP. (1992) Mechanism of TATA-binding protein recruitment to a TATA-less ClassIII promoter. Cell 71, 1041-1053. Full text

  • White RJ and Jackson SP. (1992) The TATA-binding protein: a central role in transcription by RNA polymerases I, II and III. Trends Genet. 8, 284-288.

  • White RJ, Jackson SP and Rigby PWJ. (1992) A role for the TATA-binding protein component of the TFIID complex as a general RNA polymerase III transcription factor. Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA 89, 1949-1953. Full text

  • Jackson SP. (1992) Regulating transcription factor activity by phosphorylation. Trends Cell Biol. 2, 104-108.

  • White RJ, Rigby PWJ and Jackson SP. (1992) The TATA-binding protein is a general transcription factor for RNA polymerase III. J. Cell Sci Suppl. 16, 1-7.

  • Jackson SP, MacDonald JJ, Lees-Miller S, Tjian R. (1990) GC box binding induces phosphorylation of Sp1 by a DNA-dependent protein kinase. Cell 63, 155-165. Full text