Genome-aware annotation of CRISPR guides validates targets in variant cell lines and enhances discovery in screens
Lam S, Thomas JC and Jackson SP.
Genome Medicine 16:139 (2024)
Background CRISPR-Cas9 technology has revolutionised genetic screens and can inform on gene essentiality and chemo-genetic interactions. It is easily deployed and widely supported with many pooled CRISPR libraries available commercially. However, discrepancies between the reference genomes used in the design of those CRISPR libraries and the cell line under investigation can lead to loss of signal or introduction of bias. The problem is particularly acute when dealing with variant cell lines such as cancer cell lines.
Results Here, we present an algorithm, EXOme-guided Re-annotation of nuCleotIde SEquences (Exorcise), which uses sequence search to detect and correct mis-annotations in CRISPR libraries.