The conference will bring together scientists working to better understand nuclear and genome organisation in various organisms, tissues, and cell states.
Conference sessions will cover topics related to:
● Nuclear and subnuclear structure and function
● Nuclear organisation and chromosome topology in gene expression
● Nuclear organisation and chromosome topology in DNA replication and repair
● Crosstalk between transcription and repair
● Impact of nuclear and genome organisation on genome editing
● Genome editing technologies in the study of nuclear and genome structure and function
● Nuclear bodies including the nucleolus, Cajal bodies, speckles, PML bodies
● Constitutive and induced phase separation in the nucleus
● Topologically associated domains and transcription in genome control
● Signalling cues, cellular states and genome organisation
● Genome organisation in pluripotency and during differentiation
● Nuclear and genome structures in health, cancer, aging, and age-related diseases
● Chromatin loops and non-canonical nucleic acids structures in genome expression and stability
● Spatial genome organisation: from the bench to the bedside
Workshops will cover: Technical advances in the study of nuclear and genome organisation; The next frontiers in spatial genome organisation and its connection to health and disease; How to publish in the era of spatial genome organisation?