Transformative discoveries in genome and cellular integrity


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Young Life Scientists’ Symposium "Genome Integrity: a Lifetime's Challenge", Montpellier, France

  • Campus Arnaud de Villeneuve Montpellier France (map)

Young Life Scientists’ Symposia (YLS) are one day scientific conferences supported by the Biochemical Society and organized by PhD students and post-docs for their peers. These events promote networking and professional development through social events and careers sessions, as well as scientific talks and poster sessions.

The symposium focuses on the cellular processes that take place at the level of the genetic material, from the generation of gametes to the development of a mature organism and its decline. The symposium’s scientific programme is organised into three sessions of talks and two poster sessions under the general theme of “Genome Integrity: a lifetime's challenge”.

Session 1: Genome transmission: getting prepared for life
Session 2 : Cellular processes: coordinating life
Session 3 : Ageing and Disease: staying alive
Inspirational Talks : A life dedicated to science